Week 17 in Valle Azapa!!!!
The past week was great!! Most of Tuesday was spent changing apartments which was quite fun!!!....But our new place is great, very clean, new and it has a brand new hot water heater that always works!!!!! I´ll share some photos next week. Other than that the week has gone by like no other!! This week we should be seing the baptism of a kid named Matias! As they say here in Chile he´s a ¨cabro chico¨(little goat) which just means little kid but its a funny phrase to say!! But he´s a funny little guy that lives with his grandma (she´s a member) and his uncle´s (there like his same age, 10-13, kinda weird but it happens in life). So that´ll make this weekend alot funner!! Other than that, this Friday we´ll be getting transfers so if next monday you dont get an email, its quite possible I´m on a bus to a different part of the mission! Elder Montgomery and I are anxious to see what´ll happen, its been quite an experience the past 12 weeks being with him, doing the training program he has and just seeing all the energy that the new guys have! Its been quite a ride and we´ve both learned a lot from each other so it´ll be interesting to see what happens this weekend!!
Real quick I just want to share an experience. So the past two weeks we´ve had the oportunity to talk with some other ´missionaries´ that are from and another church and also Mexico. Its been quite interesting to say the least becuase we try not to get into a ´bible debate´ or argue over docrine with these guys. Its also nice because we do it in the home of a member that is just a stud and helps alot with explaining different things. But to not go into too much detail, its been really awesome becuase I just feel as we testify and teach to them about the Book of Mormon and the Restored gospel of how true it is!!! It just strengthens my testimony and makes me know for a surity, that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of God here on the earth at this time. That it was restored by a prophet of God named Joseph Smith. That today on the earth we have the holy priesthood to save souls and bind families for all of eternity. The greatest thing of all of this is that every person in the world can know of this for themselves and it comes from just reading a book. The Book of Mormon. A book that I know is true from reading and praying. I´ve read it many times now and I have no doubt that it isn´t true, something so incredible. So I invite everyone to read the Book of Mormon and know for themselves that it is true! And I share this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Well, I forgot to mention an awesome story of how we almost got into a shooting with some street thugs last night walking to our new pension but I´ll share that next week if I remember!! Thank you for all you love and support!!!!
Elder Grant Arthur Eagar
(A member made this cool video about how bastian became a member by being invited to church!!! Some might not understand but atleast you can see me in it!!!!)
"I testify of the power of our covenants and the blessings of the temple. I know that the Book of Mormon is true! I cannot explain the power of this great book. I only know that, coupled with prayer, the Book of Mormon carries the power to protect families, strengthen relationships, and give personal confidence before the Lord."
—Linda S. Reeves