Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week #23

Week 17 in Paipote!!


This past week was pretty great!!! Cool story that happened last Monday was that some little punk kids that were being chanta with us and so we just kept walking away from them. Well being little punks they started throwing rocks at us. But none of them hit us!!! It was pretty cool, felt like we were Samuel the Lamanite or something!!! Also had an inter-cambio with Elder Johnson and it was pretty successful! Plus we put another fecha bautismal this week so ojala we will have 3 baptisms the end of this cambio!!! Also Elder Fuller is getting very close to dying, which is sad but I´m excited for him!!! 

Last week we had an awesome lesson with Bryan who I talked about last week. His ´girlfriend´ who is a recent convert showed up randomly during our lesson, I don´t have enough time to give good detail but we had a video and we were´nt sure to show it at first but we played it. And in short, it was such a huge spiritual experience for us all, in the end, we were all crying and just speechless. It really strengthened my testimony and gave more purpose to my calling as a missionary.

Love you all and hope all is well with you.

Con Amor,


Monday, April 18, 2016

Week #22

Week 16!!! in Paipote!

Wow!! Crazy week! My companion Elder Fuller is doing very well. He still has a lump on his neck but he returns to the good old USA next month so he can get plastic surgery if he wants! This last week was very interesting, we had to go to the clínica (Clinic) pretty much every other day which really ate into our working time. But the Lord still helped us and it wasn't a bad week at all. Also Saturday we had a mini-MTC activity for the jóvenes(Young) here in Copiapo! It was a cool experience to teach these kids! Also I ate some horse/donkey jerky this week too. Wasn't seasoned very well so I didn't like it to much. Also  Saturday night I got super sick from eating some street food I thing but I threw it up and I was better. 

Yesterday was quite and awesome day! As we were walking to the church a man was sitting outside so we invited him so come in. Turns out he had just moved from Santiago the day before and remembered this church from when he was younger and had played fútbol(Football)there. Well he had been through some rough patches in his life and actually broke some addictions because of his daughters. But he has still been looking for something more. So yesterday we taught him Lesson 3 which is the  Gospel of Jesus Christ, and invited him to be baptized. In the church during gospel principles! And he excepted it for the 7th of May!!!! So I've just been very grateful at the blessings of the Lord the past while. Here's a great story to illustrate this....

Never stop pushing
One day the Lord commanded a young man to push a giant rock, then being obedient, the young man did as the Lord commanded him and started pushing with all his might. He pushed and pushed but the rock did not move. For the young man being discouraged and thinking about giving up. Satan told to him to surrender, to live the quiet life with him and to stop wasting your time, but the boy knew what the Lord had commanded him, and then he wanted to move the rock. But the rock never moved.
At the end his life without succeeding in moving the rock, the man cried to the Lord saying "I did what you told me, I pushed the rock, but I could not move it." The man thought "I'm a failure."  The Lord said to the man, "But look at your progress. You have big arms and big legs and now your spirit is much stronger because of all your efforts. You are very wrong. I asked you to push, not for you to move the rock. What I asked you to do your best, and you did. Now, I will move that rock, And never stop pushing!

Such a great long as we obey and give our all, the Lord will do the rest.

Con mucho amor,


Also I found a Hawaiian shirt today which has been a highlight!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week #21

Week 15 in Paipote!!!!!


This past week was pretty normal! We had lot of exito(success) this week!! We found so new people that are really awesome and i hope we can help them progress more! Other than that Elder Fuller is still recovering from his infection. He´s healthy but still has a lump on his neck. Good thing he is going back to the states next month! Besides that, this keyboard is not very good and is being very difficult to write with. Don´t have any pictures this week... but something cool is that one of our recent converts was able to bless the sacrament this week which was awesome!!!! Its remarkable to see peoples lives change because of the gospel, pretty much my favorite thing as a missionary!! Not much else this week, hope everyone is doing well!!

Con Amor,

"Remember ... What is impossible for you is possible with God’s help in His service."

—Henry B. Eyring

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week #20

Week 14 in Paipote!

Well it has been quite a week. Elder Fuller and his neck has been literally and figuratively been a pain in the neck. About half of the week was spent with him being in the hospital. Which was weird because him and I were separated for quite a bit of time. But we had special permission from president and I went and spent two days with elders from a different zone. The Saturday session of conference was awesome!!!!!!!! But I missed Sunday which I´m gonna have to go watch some other time but yep. Crazy week here for us. Don´t have much time this week but I want to express my gratitude of that we have a living prophet and apostles and am so grateful that I had the opportunity to hear from the mouthpieces of God this weekend and that Heavenly Father loves his children so much that he would give us this opportunity. I wish everyone the best and love you all mucho!!!

Con Amor,

Elder Eagar chillin with his Comp.
 Elder Fuller in the hospital.