Monday, July 3, 2017

Week #80

Week 7 in La Pampa!!!!


Wow, this past week was quite a ride!!! Lots of stress and a lot of things that had to get done. But things got done! Saturday we had several challanges with our baptism but Lord made miricales and things got done!! We´re looking forward now for this week and whats ahead! Also lots of things for this week! We have to change houses, and also several meetings and interviews going on!!! Not much else! We had lots of ups and downs this past week but the work of the Lord keeps going forward! Hope you all have a good week!!

 Elder Grant Arthur Eagar
"Patience in affliction and suffering describes the life of Christ, the great exemplar. In moments of great suffering and pain which transpired in Gethsemane, He was able to express in fervent prayer, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matt. 26:39), giving us the example and a frame of reference for a life of obedience and perseverance, despite circumstances or external conditions in which we could find ourselves."
—Angel Abrea
*Baptismal picture of Ricardo and of three young girls who I had the opportunity of doing their baptismal interviews!